Monthly Archive: September, 2014

Some Facts About CentOS That You Should Know

What do you do when you want to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) without paying for it? The answer is simple, you use CentOS. This is a Linux distribution that is derived… Continue reading

Is iOS 8 Spotlight Search Similar to the Ubuntu Dash?

If you’ve played with an iPhone or iPad running iOS 8 you might have spotted a new feature in Spotlight — a feature that bears more than a passing resemblance to a key part of the Ubuntu… Continue reading

Web Apps Are the Future

Native mobile apps are a little weird, if you stop and think about them. The average mobile app weighs around 20MB, often requires an internet connection in order to be used as intended,… Continue reading

How Do You Work With Other People’s Code?

Dealing with code created by other people is a fundamental skill for a developer. Give it a year and other people’s code could even be your own.Today I’m going to look at some… Continue reading

Google Drive No Longer Offers Web Hosting

Remember you could host websites on Google Drive for free? All you had to do was create a public web folder inside Drive, upload your HTML and CSS and the Drive would generate… Continue reading

How To Install Ubuntu Server

First, you will need to download the current version of Ubuntu Server . A 64 bit version is recommended, but you can also download a 32bit version Here. Once downloaded you need to… Continue reading