Monthly Archive: November, 2014

The Best Websites to Learn Coding Online

The Learn to Code movement, with the backing of the likes of Obama and Bill Gates, is picking up momentum worldwide and that is actually a very good thing as even basic programming skills can have a major impact. If you can teach yourself how to write code,

10 Rising Social Networks You Should Explore

Had enough of Facebook and Twitter? It may be time to switch up your go-to social network.With the daily explosion of startups, there are plenty of new social media tools popping up. These newer platforms could be working on the next big thing, so you’ll want to keep an eye out.

Install Xtreme Download Manager 3.0.1 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Xtreme Download Manager is a Java based download application that lets you pause and resume downloads. Here’s how you can install version 3.0.1 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Joomla’s Coming of Age

You’ve probably heard of, or even used a Content Management System (CMS) in your projects, and as Joomla! is almost ten years old, you may have used it once or twice. Over the years, there has been a healthy rivalry between the main CMSes in use on the planet: WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla!, and all three have hosts of die-hard fans that would pitch for their favorites over the others any day.

Mozilla Introduces Firefox Developer Edition

Just a few days ago, Mozilla celebrated the 10th anniversary of Firefox, which, back in 2004 initiated the next level in the “browser wars” by disrupting the Internet Explorer monopoly that Microsoft had established for a number of years.

Skype for Web brings voice and video calls to your browser

Microsoft is unveiling a beta version of Skype for Web today, a new version of its audio and video calling service designed for browsers. The software giant has been slowly bringing Skype to the web through its service, but today’s beta will work across modern versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari without the need to use “We’re making Skype for Web available to a small number of existing and new users to begin with,” explains Skype’s Jonathan Watson.

OpenCart 2.0 is avialable now ! How to download & Install OpenCart 2.0

That’s right, you can now download the long awaited OpenCart version 2.0. With the help of developers from around the world, thousands of development hours have gone into making sure that this is… Continue reading