Tag Archive: code

The Best Websites to Learn Coding Online

The Learn to Code movement, with the backing of the likes of Obama and Bill Gates, is picking up momentum worldwide and that is actually a very good thing as even basic programming skills can have a major impact. If you can teach yourself how to write code,

How to Create Your Own Custom WordPress Taxonomies

This tutorial will help outline all that you need to know when it comes to WordPress taxonomies.We will begin by discussing what taxonomies are, how they can be interacted with, and why they… Continue reading

Web Apps Are the Future

Native mobile apps are a little weird, if you stop and think about them. The average mobile app weighs around 20MB, often requires an internet connection in order to be used as intended,… Continue reading

How Do You Work With Other People’s Code?

Dealing with code created by other people is a fundamental skill for a developer. Give it a year and other people’s code could even be your own.Today I’m going to look at some… Continue reading